Previous Challenge Entry (Level 4 – Masters)
Topic: ANCIENT (06/04/20)
TITLE: Older Than Ancient | Previous Challenge Entry
By Betsy Markman
06/11/20 -
It’s older than stars in the sky.
It stood firm before God’s judgment fountains
Broke to flood the earth from on high.
Before man’s first breath, God had made this.
Before beasts roamed the ground, or birds flew
Before light burst forth out of darkness
Or the earth, void and formless, was new.
It made Abram the father of nations,
‘Twas the rock upon which Moses stood,
It promised a whole new creation,
Though a myst’ry, which none understood.
It’s why Christ took on flesh and our nature,
Why He said, “None You gave Me are lost.”
Why in Him we become a new creature,
Where we find strength to count up the cost.
It’s the Covenant of our Redemption
Made between God the Father and Son,
When in loving predestination,
Christ was given a Bride to be won.
Those chosen before earth’s foundation
Will be called, they will be justified!
They’ll become His own people and nation.
Christ will lose none for whom He has died!
Through the ages His sheep He has carried,
While he’s called other sheep “Not my own.”
And He won’t divorce those He has married,
They’ll forever sing praise ‘round His throne.
(See Isa.49:1-15; Matt 25:34; John 6:39-40; John 10:26-29; John 17:6,9,10; Eph 1:4-5; 2 Tim 1:9; Titus 1:2; Rev 13:8)
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