Previous Challenge Entry (Level 4 – Masters)
Topic: IT'S CHILD'S PLAY (06/06/19)
TITLE: Ginormous Love | Previous Challenge Entry
By Rachel Burkum
06/13/19 -
Maybe it was actually a stack of bills I was staring at. But it might as well have been that foreboding trench. “You know I can’t pay all these!”
God sighed. At least I think that’s what the sudden breeze was. And within that breeze, was a calm, soothing voice. “My Dear… I have held back the sun in order to prolong a day. Don’t you think I can help you pay a few bills?”
“You have got to be kidding me!” I face-planted so hard on my steering wheel, the dent is still there to this day (on my forehead, not the steering wheel). The earth shook beneath my car, rattling my teeth and my courage. I could feel the ground trembling, and knew at any moment it would give way, sending me into the pit of lava that would swallow me whole.
I… may have just been stranded on the freeway after my car had decided to quit working. But it might as well have been a volcanic eruption. “I can’t handle this right now!”
God chuckled. I’m pretty sure He’d done that a lot with me. But in spite of His wry humor, He still gently spoke to me. “Child of mine… I calmed a raging storm with but a few words. Why do you doubt I can help you through this?”
“For crying out loud!” I was crying out loud. So was my roof. Great, big streams of tears were pouring in through the ceiling so fast I couldn’t change buckets quickly enough. “What next, God?!” I glanced out the window, only to realize my entire house was floating down a raging river. Tree limbs and puppy dogs in life-preservers drifted atop the waves, en route to the ocean.
Perhaps it was a simple, summer cloudburst. But it might as well have been the flood of all floods. “You know good and well I don’t have the means to fix this leak!”
God patted me on the head, much like I might pat a sweet but naive child. “Oh, cherished one… I saved a whole family and countless species of animals on a single boat when I flooded the earth. The entire earth. Do you really believe I don’t have the means to keep you safe and dry?”
“Why me? Why now?!” I made sure my tone conveyed every ounce of misery I felt in that moment. Such was my vocal effort that I could have been mistaken for some old hag from a cheesy B movie. “I can’t believe it!” My gaze was fixed on the picture of pure evil - writhing, churning, dark figures, whispering and snarling. My stomach turned to knots and I had to look away lest I die right there.
It… could have been the x-rays of my teeth I was actually looking at. But it might as well have been the very essence of all that was vile. “How am I going to survive this?!”
God smiled the kind of smile that was full of wisdom. He reached down and hugged me tight, filling me with warmth. “Sweet child… I have conquered death and hell. Don’t you think I can see you through a few extractions?”
I couldn’t help but return the smile - although mine was pretty sheepish, crooked teeth and all. Some day… some day I would realize His might before the panic set in. I would realize no matter how impossible my problems seemed to my feeble, human eyes, to Him they would take nothing more than a mere word to solve, if He so desired. Until then though, I knew His chuckles, pats, smiles and hugs would continue. Because His love is just that ginormous.
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