Bible Studies
No matter where a born-again believer is, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or what he or she may otherwise be doing, the divine purpose for him or her being there is to function as an ambassador for the Kingdom of God.
In doing so, it will be such things as his or her appearance, attitude, opinions, priorities, interests, handling of adversities, and interactions with other people that will draw the attention of others, and open the doors to 1Pet. 3: 15 opportunities.
Note that there is no need for an advancing disciple to go around looking for people to evangelize or to edify. When an advancing disciple has his or her spiritual life in order, inquirers will come to them.
People don’t usually get too upset when being given answers to questions that they generate.
Advancing disciples will learn soon enough that they will not get through to anyone that God the Holy Spirit has not first prepared to receive the evangelizing or edifying message.
We can get a good feeling when we help others out in a moment or period of practical need for as long as it lasts.
But for an advancing disciple, there is no greater satisfaction than to be used by God to make an eternal difference in the spiritual lives of other people.
These differences are the only things that we can give to others that can be taken with them into eternity.
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If you claim to be a follower of Christ, but there is no overt difference between your thoughts and actions, and the thoughts and actions of the worldly-minded people around you, you are in need of a 2Cor. 13: 5 examination.
1Pet 3: 15 opportunities are what gives unbelievers in the personal periphery of an advancing disciple the opportunity to be born again, and what gives fellow believers in the advancing disciple’s personal periphery the opportunity to be edified and advance along the road to spiritual maturity.
The advancing disciple’s circle of influence is wherever he or she is, be it at home, work, school, or play, at any given time. The many different types of homes, jobs, careers, recreation; and forms of play out there is what gives God the Holy Spirit the opportunity to evangelize and to edify people through advancing disciples who share the same activities.
Know that the response of others will be a mixed bag. Some will be of agreement and compliments, others will be ones of rejection and adversity.
Advancing disciples are called to convey the information, but the chosen response to it is a matter between the recipient and God.
There were times when the words of Jesus generated praise and support, and there times when His Words generated rejection, criticism, and even violence (1).
An advancing disciple should expect the same reactions.
You might be surprised to learn just how much the unspoken testimony of your lifestyle, and the impact of your spoken words of evangelism and edification have been used by God to influence others.
Sometimes we are where we are to sow seeds. Sometimes we are where we are to water and or to prune the plants that someone else planted. Sometimes we are where we are to take part in the harvesting.
Regardless of what part we are to play in any given situation, it is important to keep in mind that, “…it is neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who caused the growth (1Cor. 3: 7 NASB2020),” and that, “…apart from Me you can do nothing (John 15: 5 NASB2020).”
The part that the advancing disciple plays is communication. Most communication is non-verbal.
For an advancing disciple, his or her non-verbal communication involves the unspoken testimony of his or her daily life. When given a 1Pet.3: 15 opportunity, he or she will communicate the unadulterated Gospel Message and or edifying principles of Scripture.
If being given 1Pet. 3: 15 opportunities is not one’s ongoing experience, there is a likelihood that the unspoken testimony of one’s daily life is not attracting any inquirers.
One is not likely to go shopping at a store that does not seem to have anything that he or she would want to purchase.
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We aren’t always in harmonious fellowship with God, but as of the moment that one is born again, the Spirit of God indwells his or her physical body for the rest of his or her remaining time, here on Earth.
There is nowhere that a born again believer can go, nothing he or she can think, say, or do, without taking the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient God of the Bible with him or her.
If you couldn’t imagine Jesus sitting or standing beside you, nodding with approval, as you think, say, or do the things you do, its time for a 2Cor. 13: 5 examination.
Acknowledging his 24/7 presence can go along way in developing the 24/7 concept of discipleship. The born again believer and He are inseparable. He is not just there to go along for the ride. He has a purpose for every minute of every day.
The more we become consciously aware of his 24/7 presence, the more responsive we will be to the 1Pet. 3: 14 opportunities. The more focused we become on His plan for our life, the more aware we become of how the devil will use our own plans to distract us.
These distractions can come in the form of prosperity (2), as well as adversity (3).
When things are going our way, we tend to put God and the things of God aside. In times of adversity, we question why God is sending or allowing such things to take place. In neither scenario is the believer likely to move forward in the plan of God.
The devil knows that one can get a bear to do what he wants by feeding him with honey rather than poking it with a stick.
We don’t usually have to worship him (4) in order for the devil to give us earthly prosperity.
In most cases, just put aside God’s plan and pursue our own will be enough to have him back off, and perhaps even prosper us. After all, he already has us right where he wants us, sitting on the bench and off the playing field.
Diabolical adversity is usually reserved for those who resist the devil and follow the plan of God.
(1) Luke 4: 28, 29 (2) Luke 4: 4-6. (3) 1Pet. 5: 8 (4) Luke 4: 7
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