Amos 9:7-15 and Luke 2:1-52

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Jacob Ben Avraham
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Amos 9:7-15 and Luke 2:1-52

Post by Jacob Ben Avraham »

AMOS 9:7-15

Amos Ha Navi (Amos the Prophet) speaks through the Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit) saying that Yes, Adonai will seek out and punish Israel for their sins, and will search out the kingdoms of the earth where they are at, many will and have been destroyed because of their rebellion, HOWEVER, not all, there is always a remnant which is faithful, and true to the God of creation.

We see the example of Elijah the Prophet when he killed the 400 prophets of Baal. Queen Jezebel sought his life and he had to make a run for it. He cried out "Am I the only one left LORD?" (sort of saying) The LORD replied, "I have 7000 who have not bowed the knee to Baal" (so, you're not alone my dear servant) We don't know the population of Israel back then, but, there was that remnant of 7000 who were not persuaded to follow the pagan god "Baal".

We do not have to go with the flow, especially if the flow is going over the bridge into a stormy and ravaging river. We can always detour and follow the path to green pastures and quiet waters, and search for the Good Shepherd and the Water of Life. It may be the unpopular thing to do, but we need to look at the big picture, "ETERNITY" and speaking of eternity...

Amos looks into the future, and sees that Israel, and all of God’s children, both born as Israelis and born in the Gentile nations will come together as ONE, (echad), …” Behold, the day is coming says YHVH…” We look into the future millennium and see “paradise restored” and real and eternal peace and Yeshua will be on the throne as KING and LORD of all the world. What a time that will be for ALL of us.

LUKE 2:1-52

Do we look forward to the future return of Yeshua? In this chapter, Simeon and Anna look forward and greatly rejoice to see Mashiach, even as a baby. He was presented at the Temple and was circumcised, Simeon and Anna recognized him as Mashiach, even before he grew up and performed miracles. Simeon said; “My eyes have seen YESHUAH! Who is a LIGHT (HaOr) to bring revelation to the Gentiles? It is God’s perfect will that Yeshua be revealed to ALL PEOPLES, both those of Israel and those outside of Israel so that HIS BODY might be complete, a “Kehilah Kadosh, Kol HaAm” (A holy congregation of all people)

Have a blessed week.
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