Highest Ranked Entries HISTORICAL Genre Challenge

The Challenge winners will be posted here two weeks after entries close for each topic, and the Highest Ranked entries will be posted sometime later that day or the next.

Moderators: RedBaron, itsjoanne, RedBaron, itsjoanne, RedBaron, itsjoanne

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Highfalutin ideas

Post by marshallwendy »

This was my first time entering the comp. too! I am so encouraged to receive a top 15 placing. Actually the title of my entry is ironic. I've been exploring writing in a more serious fashion, wondering if I just have 'highfalutin ideas' about my own ability, so it was SO encouraging to receive such nice comments from folk who read my story and a placing to boot - YAY!! PTL. Thanks everyone,
An Aussie serving with OMF International in Japan
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Post by RedBaron »

The spacing is just one of those things that you learn to adjust, once you realize it does that. It's some kind of "translation" problem between most word processors and the posting system. :) I think everybody's had it happen at least once :)
dbutlerdunnit wrote:10th on level 2. Not bad. I guess the lack of spacing let me down somewhat. This is where a writer begins to become an experienced writer, when they make a major blunder like that and learn from it.

Hey guys! Thanks for all the great comments on it. It's actually a reflection of the style in my up-and-coming historical novel. When it becomes an international best seller (LOL) I'll send y'all an autographed copy. :wink:

Well.... Ya gotta think big when you're God's kid!
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"...hunt like a spider..." Cori - FW Con '07
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