Publishing goal for my eBook "God Tales"

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Jacob Ben Avraham
Pencil Plus (Over 500 Posts)
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Publishing goal for my eBook "God Tales"

Post by Jacob Ben Avraham »

Hello everyone,

I have been contributing commentaries on God's Word now for many years under the "theology" forum. This site has been a blessing, many have read and commented on the Midrashim.

I have an ebook that I am trying to get out to the world via publishers. But the reality is that mainline publishers are not interested in "newbies" nor "Wannabee" authors. I guess trying to submit to them is like trying to scale a 20-foot wall without a ladder. Maybe the "ladders" are the "literary agents", but they are not free.

I have set up a "Go-Fund-Me" account in order to achieve my goal of publishing my eBook. So far, I have sold it for $3 or pocket change, I mean, that is what an eBook sells for these days. There have been three publishers who will publish my eBook and distribute, advertise, etc...yes, for a price.

The most expensive is $3600, then another publisher will do it for $1200, and another for $500. I think the most expensive (don't want to mention names) is the most comprehensive, they cover more territory, do more (about 11 different things)
for that price.

My wife and I are semi-retired and live off a limited income, so, we can't afford these prices, so, I am asking the public if you would like to help, a few grains of salt add up. Any amount is good and is helpful. So far, $60 has been donated. Some have told me that these publishers are the "Vanity" type publishers that prey on the author's desire to "see his or her name in print" no matter how well or badly written the manuscript is.

Well, to me, it is not so much to be a famous writer, I would just like to see my eBook, which is faith and Bible-based fiction short stories and poems reach the public so that those who love God's Word can read it through short stories. Whether or not I make a lot or a little bit of money by it is not really important. It is to share it, after working on it for 5 years.

Below is my "Go-Fund-Me" account if you are interested in helping out.

Rabbi Ben Avraham (J. Petersen) (just highlight, right-click, and go-to...) ... jZzg-3D-3D
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