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Publisher listing and rating

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:00 am
by Hoomi
While this is a secular webpage, and lists all manner of publishers from those specializing in erotica all the way through to Christian publishers, Piers Anthony is on a mission to help writers find good publishing options, while avoiding shady ones. This is a lengthy list of publishers, with observations and comments that Piers has received from those who have dealt with the company. He tries to check out the reports, to verify if what is said is valid, and posts updates if things change. If you're considering a publisher that you don't know a lot about, you might consider checking out if they have a write up there. The list is alphabetical, sub-linked by letter, and easy to navigate.

Re: Publisher listing and rating

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 8:07 am
by resetpreacher
I was disappointed that there were not more Christian publishers on the list. I think there should be more warnings there. I thought this quote from his writeup about Xulon was interesting, "Another problem is that Christian publishers can have such tight standards that they would reject the Bible as inappropriate, so getting good distribution may be a long uphill battle."